Our Shared Community
Kristen Bascombe, MD
I am a third year Emergency Medicine resident at Emory University. I am originally from Savannah, GA. I served as co-chair of the SAEM Social EM and Population Health Interest Group for 2021-2022. After graduation, I will be completing an EMS fellowship at UCSF. I have an interest in community paramedicine as a means of addressing health disparities. I am also interested in the impact of housing insecurity on healthcare.
Jessica Dunn, MD
I grew up in Fresno, Ca - where low health literacy and lack of access to health care is the normal. I went into medicine to be an advocate for patients and health equity. However, now that I am "on the other side" of medicine, I have come to understand the importance of trust and the value that must be placed on it to truly be able to partner with people in their health and treatments. In all the spaces I have worked as an advocate - philanthropy, as a counselor and teacher - trust mattered.
Nile Harris, MD
Being a first-generation physician from Columbus, Ohio, I have observed the disconnect a lack of information can create. After completing medical school at Emory University, I’ve dedicated my career to filling this void for underserved communities. As a provider, I do so via teaching and mentorship. As a published photographer/creative, I utilize storytelling. However as a world citizen, I simply engage in meaningful dialogue.”
Kimberly Herard, MD
I am an Emergency Medicine resident at my dream program and dream job. I am Haitian and am highly motivated to pursue future careers and focuses surrounding global health and social emergency medicine. I have worked alongside international researchers performing HIV research. I have served in my Florida community as a translator and advocate for Haitian patients and have provided medical care to a small village in Haiti and multiple communities in the South Florida and Atlanta. I currently serve as EMRA International Committee Chair, Emory Emergency Medicine Community Service Co-Chair, and am a new Global Health Residency Scholar. I have provided reviews of medical charts with expert declaration letters to advocate for the release of those held in detention centers and volunteer time at the Grace Village Refugee Clinic in Clarkston, Georgia.
John Lewis, MD
I am an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Emory University. For much of my life, I have been afforded several opportunities to create, learn, and teach in the fields of science, the arts, and the humanities. These experiences have led me to become a life-long student and teacher whose driving passion is to use every tool available to achieve health equity for all.
Austin Cat
I am a M.S. Biology student pursuing a career in medicine. I am passionate about the sciences, but equally passionate about storytelling through art, including music, photography, and videography. As an Atlanta-native, I believe that storytelling is essential for projects like these; education is an art as much as it is a necessity. My mission is to utilize the mediums I am exploring to deliver accessible education for all.